Greater Faith Non-Denominational Church
You Accepted Christ in Your Heart.
This is the beginning of your new life in Christ Jesus.
In order to know Christ better, read your Bible every day. This is God's inspired Word to men and women and it teaches us how to live a life that pleases God. If you do not have a Bible, you can reach out to us in the "Contact Us" tab above and we can send one out to you.
Talk to God in prayer. He wants to hear from you, to know what you are thinking and what you desire... he wants to know what weighs heavy on your heart.
Tell others about Christ.
Get connected with a Bible-based church. Worship and fellowship with other believers. This will help you to grow stronger and have a support system in the faith.
Serve God by serving others. Demonstrate His great love for you by loving others unconditionally.
Share the Good News with us here.
Greater Faith Non-Denominational Church
907 South Catherine Creek Road
Ahoskie, NC 27910