"Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green. And will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit." Jeremiah 17: 7-8 NKJV
It is the eighth day of January and I think I've heard just about everything for New Year Resolutions. I dare not quote them all, but I can promise you, we have heard them all before. Don't get me wrong. I am the biggest advocate for leaving the past behind, goal setting, and re-dos. I have made vision boards, taken vision notes, wrote vision poems. I promise you I have done it all. And when I can remain focused and consistent, I usually get pretty good results. However, for 2022, I decided to have only one New Year Resolution. After COVID blew my vision board for 2019 and 2020 into "smithereens", I thought for 2022 it was best to start out with more realistic resolutions. While I would love to be in the gym 6 days per week, that really is not realistic for my schedule.... so let's keep it simple. I have only one New Year Resolution. You read it in the scripture above; to trust and hope in the Lord. In 2022, my goal is to rely on Adonai like never before, and to hope in Him like a kid hopes on Christmas day. I desire to trust Him with every aspect and every decision in my life, to find a peaceful rest in Him that comes from a certainty that His heart is only good towards me. If I do this... If I can keep this one resolution.... If I can remain hopeful in this one promise of God, then I shall be like a strong tree, planted by this source of water. I will have deep roots that spread out far and wide. And when the heat comes, I will not wither and wilt. If there is a lack of water, I will not begin to question and fear. Because I trust in Him, I will never cease to produce. Father, Help me to trust you and to rest my hopes in you because you only want good for me. In times of trouble help me to remain grounded, never fainting, never withering, never worrying, always fruitful, ever focused and consistent, because I can rest assured that my roots grow deep in you. Your Daughter, Wanda